The Top Five Castles in the World that You Must Visit - Soulful Concepts
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The Top Five Castles in the World that You Must Visit

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  • the-top-five-castles-in-the-world-that-you-must-visit
  • the-top-five-castles-in-the-world-that-you-must-visit

Journey through eras of time and royalty as you visit the most enchanting castles from all around the world. These architectural wonders stand as testaments to history, each with its own unique tale to tell. From mediaeval fortresses to opulent palaces, explore the world’s five most lavish castles which beckons travellers to step into a world of grandeur.


Neuschwanstein Castle, Germany


Nestled amidst the picturesque Bavarian Alps, Neuschwanstein Castle emerges like a fairytale dream. Commissioned by King Ludwig II of Bavaria in the 19th century, this iconic castle served as the inspiration for Disney’s Sleeping Beauty Castle. With its towering spires, ornate interiors and breathtaking views of the surrounding landscape, Neuschwanstein embodies romanticism at its finest. Visitors can wander through lavishly decorated rooms adorned with intricate murals and marvel at the castle’s stunning architecture, making it a must-see destination for any castle enthusiast.

The best way to ensure seeing everything this picturesque castle has to offer is through purchasing a skip the line admission ticket as the Castle is also one of Germany’s most popular attractions.


Edinburgh Castle, Scotland


Perched atop an ancient volcanic rock, Edinburgh Castle reigns over the historic city of Edinburgh with regal splendour. Dating back over a thousand years, this formidable fortress has witnessed centuries of Scottish history, from mediaeval battles to royal ceremonies. Highlights include the Crown Jewels of Scotland, the Stone of Destiny and St. Margaret’s Chapel, the oldest surviving building in Edinburgh. Visitors can immerse themselves in the castle’s rich heritage through tours and captivating exhibitions, offering a glimpse into Scotland’s storied past.

When visiting this monument, opt for a guided walking tour where you will approach the castle through walking up the Royal Mile, just as the ancient royals once did! The local guide will also ensure that you receive in-depth insight into the Castle’s rich history.


Prague Castle, Czech Republic


Dominating the skyline of Prague, the sprawling complex of Prague Castle is one of the largest castles in the world. Steeped in legend and architectural beauty, this UNESCO World Heritage site boasts a diverse array of historical treasures, including the stunning St. Vitus Cathedral, the Old Royal Palace and the charming Golden Lane. Wander through cobblestone streets lined with quaint shops and colourful buildings, and marvel at panoramic views of the city below. With its captivating blend of Gothic, Romanesque and Baroque architecture, Prague Castle is a true gem of Central Europe.

When planning to visit the Castle, make the most of your day by booking a tour that combines a tour of Prague Castle with another activity. This three hour tour combines a Prague sightseeing cruise along the Vltava River with a walking tour of Prague Castle and St. Vitus Cathedral.


Windsor Castle, England


As the oldest and largest inhabited castle in the world, Windsor Castle holds a special place in British history and tradition. Located just a short distance from London, this magnificent fortress has been a royal residence for over 900 years since William the Conqueror built a wooden fortress on the site. Since then, it has served as a favoured retreat for monarchs through the ages. Despite still being used for royal business, visitors can witness the Changing of the Guard ceremony, explore the exquisite collections of art and artefacts, and soak in the timeless elegance of this quintessential English castle. Highlights include the lavish State Apartments, the opulent St. George’s Chapel and the picturesque grounds landscaped by Capability Brown.

While you’re in England, why not book a tour that promises a classic English experience? This tour follows up your morning visit of Windsor Castle with an included traditional fish and chips lunch at St George’s Tavern!


Himeji Castle, Japan


Also known as the ‘White Heron’ due to its pristine white exterior and graceful design, Himeji Castle is a symbol of Japanese feudal architecture and cultural heritage. Built in 1580 and situated in the Hyogo Prefecture, this UNESCO World Heritage site is renowned for its imposing keep, intricate wooden lattice work and elaborate defensive systems. Ascend through a series of steep staircases to reach the castle’s highest tower, where panoramic views of the surrounding cherry blossoms and gardens await. With its unparalleled beauty and historical significance, Himeji Castle offers a captivating glimpse into Japan’s samurai past.

For a memorable experience exploring the Himeji Castle, book this small-group guided bike tour which promises to introduce you to the rich history of the Castle, as well as Japanese culture. You will get the chance to discover the castle’s interiors, as well as its Japanese-style garden and you’ll even have the opportunity to take photos from a viewing observatory. The tour also provides lunch and concludes the day with an authentic tea ceremony whilst exploring a Japanese garden!


Ready to start planning your trips to the top 5 castles in the world?


From Neuschwanstein’s fairytale charm to the ancient grandeur of Himeji, these top five castles are not to be missed! Whether you’re marvelling at mediaeval fortresses or admiring opulent palaces, each castle offers a unique glimpse into a country’s rich history. 



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