Soulful Concepts Community Hub - Responsible travel & Sustainable living
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Green Hub

Our Green Hub

Our Green Hub aims to draw attention to the importance of responsible travel and sustainable living. It is where like-minded souls come to share their story and hear another’s. We want to empower consumers to travel with a social conscious and make informed decisions about the companies they support and products they buy. Through our Green Hub, we share with you – what we believe to be – the future of travel.


Think of it as your one-stop go to resource for sustainable travel and living tips. Further, we are passionate about giving voice to those who share the same views as us, shedding light on rising talent and showcasing the words that support our cause.


So please go ahead and check out the below articles. We hope you find truth and meaning in these pages like we do.


If you would like to get involved and write for us or advertise with us, please get in touch.


5 Hacks to Home Recycling

Your home is likely crammed full of a wide range of items that you can reuse and recycle. Often things at home stop functioning after a certain point of time and you would want to get rid of them. Throwing them straight to the bin...


A WWOOFer’s Guide to Sustainable Travel

Traveling is a dream for many people. Who wouldn’t want to experience new cultures, have exciting experiences, and learn new things while having fun? While there can be many barriers to travel, two stand out above the rest — cost, and the fact that travel...


6 Eco-Friendly Ways To Enjoy Switzerland

As one of the richest and most developed countries in Europe, Switzerland’s name is not always associated with trying to help the environment. However, in more recent years the hotels and tour operators of Switzerland have found some creative ways to embrace the idea. From summer...